Five Keys to Enhancing Your Emotional Intelligence | Psychology Today

Great article on EQ – originally published by Preston Ni. Managers must never lose sight of the fact that they are in the people business. Their success and the overall success of their organization is based on their ability to communicate and interact more effectively with others. Daniel Goleman first coined the phrase – Emotional Intelligence – is his epic book – “Working with Emotional Intelligence”. Being successful as a manager is no longer dependent upon your technical ability alone. EQ (Emotional Intelligence) now plays a more pivotal role in your ability to lead others and build collaborative teams. I believe that you aren’t born knowing how to communicate and interact effectively with others, but you can learn how – providing you are open and receptive to change. After all – your career depends on it. Enjoy the read 🙂 Let me know what you think.

Five Keys to Enhancing Your Emotional Intelligence | Psychology Today.