Start Embracing Your Unique Talents

Have you ever wondered why you do what you do and why you do it the way you do it? And why you might not fit into everyone else’s puzzle? We become who we are at a very young age. We get accustomed to acting, communicating, and interacting with others in a certain way that eventually becomes us. A person’s personality remains relatively stable throughout their lifetime. You are who you are—start embracing your unique talents.

Worth Remembering – ‘Talent is a gift, but it takes courage to use it. Don’t be afraid to do what you do best.’ – Paulo Coelho.

Have you ever scored a behavioural assessment tool to help identify your preferred behavioural style – your preferred way of behaving. To help determine your ideal career. These tools are designed to assess a person’s personality – how they like to communicate, interact with others, manage others and like to be managed. Some popular tools are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, True Color Personality Test and Clifton Strengths to name a few. I use an assessment tool based on Dr. William Marston’s DISC theory. Marston believed we are born with one of four distinct styles of behaviour.

Based on Marston’s theory

D – Dominant styles feel most comfortable is positions of authority. They seem best suited as entrepreneurs, lawyers, police officers, or any position where they are in charge.

I – Interpersonal styles prefer occupations that encompass teamwork and collaboration. They seem best suited for public relations, sales, marketing, or any position that involves working with others.

S – Steadiness styles have a way of making others feel comfortable and at ease. They seem best suited as nurses, counsellors, therapists, or any position that involves helping others.

C – Conscientious styles are true perfectionists. Their analytical skills make them outstanding planners and problem solvers. They seem best sutied as engineers, system administrators, or any position requiring standards and accuracy.

Worth Remembering – ‘Whatever the circumstances of your life, the understanding of your personality can make your preceptions clearer, your judgements sounder, and your life closer to your heart’s desire.’ – Isabel Briggs Myers.

Put your strengths to work for you. Scoring a DISC Behavioural Assessment and determining where your strengths lie and what career path may best suit you is a great way to start. Visit my website, download a Free DISC E-Book, and start embracing your unique talents. –

This article was written by me – Brian Smith – Power Link Dynamics without the aid of AI. To learn more about me and what I can do for you and your management team to communicate and interact with others more effectively regardless of gender or generation, you can contact me directly at –

The Secret To Your Success in 2024 is Between Your Ears

Think it, act it, and you’ll eventually accomplish your goal through patience, hard work, persistence, and implementing the right plan. The secret to your success in 2024 is between your ears. However, just dreaming about it isn’t good enough. You have to do something about it. Your success is a planned event – wishing and hoping won’t make it so. You have to go out and physically apply yourself. That’s the difference between those who are successful and the not-so-successful ones. Successful people are consumed by it. Successful people love what they do and can’t see themselves doing anything else. They are on a mission and are prepared to do whatever they need to do to make it happen. Successful people have a game plan: get off the couch and go after it.

‘The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.’ – Vince Lombardi.

What would you rather be doing with your life or your career than what you are doing right now? What does your ideal job look like if you are considering changing jobs. If you want to go into business for yourself, what kind of business do you want to get into? If you aspire to take on a management or leadership role in your organization, what role would that be. Please write it down. Success only happens with a detailed plan. What has to fall into place for you to achieve your goals in 2024? Break your plans down into small incremental steps. What needs to happen – and by when? Including a timeline will help keep you on track. Be sure to add a completion date to create a sense of urgency.

‘We first make our habits, then our habits make us.’ -John Dryden.

When you change the habit, you change the result. We are adults, and we can develop a new habit. Just stop doing one thing and replace it with another; if you do it 30 days a row, you will have developed a new habit. The neat thing about habits is that you do them without thinking about them. You do them automatically. A good habit gets a good result, just like a bad one gives you a bad result. What new habits will you need to develop to go into business for yourself, take on that management or leadership role, start that new job, or change careers. Do you need to enhance your soft skills and learn to be patient, open-minded or a better communicator and listener. Will you need to learn how to build collaborative teams, solve problems, resolve conflicts or manage your time more effectively.

‘Live life on your terms. Term one is to decide how you want to live.’ – Bazzi.

Once you’ve made up your mind about what you want and how to go about getting it, everything will eventually fall into place. However, keep in mind that your success is never a given. You need to be 100 percent committed. You need to be all in. You must decide what you are willing to stop doing – keep doing – and start doing to achieve your goals. Remember – the secret to your success in 2024 is between your ears.

Copyright 2024. Brian Smith – Power Link Dynamics. Written in Brian’s own words without AI assistance. Are you searching for a workplace training provider – planning a lunch-n-learn – or looking for a keynote speaker. To learn more about Brian and what he can do for you or your organization visit, – https;//

Entrepreneurship – Look Before You Leap 23

Have you alentrepreneurship[1].jpgways dreamed of being the one that makes all the decisions – the one that calls all the shots? Are you tired of working for someone else? Before you take the plunge and jump into the deep end of the pool have you done the market research – put a business plan together – and really thought it through? Have you thought about the impact it will have on your family and your personal life?

Before you quit your job and strike out on your own you might be interested in my answers to a series of questions I was asked by a former business student of mine. I hope my answers provide you with some valuable insight into what it takes to be successful.

What made you decide to get into business for yourself? Timing – it really boiled down to timing. I knew I wanted to make a career change. I was beginning to feel stuck and unfulfilled. For me – it’s never been about how much money I made. Now don’t get me wrong – money is important – but if it’s your only reason for getting into business for yourself – then you’re going to be disappointed – especially in your first few years. Make sure you have enough money saved up to pay your bills, put food on the table and keep a roof over your head for at least a year.

What are some of the challenges you faced in starting your own small business? I faced – and continue to face some of the same challenges everyone entrepreneur faces. Self-employed persons don’t have the luxury of a steady pay-cheque coming in. That puts a great deal of strain on your personal and family life. Everyone must give up something to get something. You need to decide what you and your family are willing to give up so that you can live your dream. Everybody needs to be on board. You need to be committed to doing whatever you need to do to be successful. If you and or your family aren’t willing to pay that price – then it’s best you stay where you are.

Any lessons learned that you can pass on to anyone wanting to start their own business? You need to be really passionate about what you are doing. You need to be prepared to work 80 hours a week for very little money. Have a budget and stick to it. Don’t spend money you haven’t generated yet. Find your niche Become an expert in something not a generalist in everything. What do you know or what product are you selling that someone else will pay you money to learn or have?

Food for thought: The two major reasons businesses fail are (1) Lack of management skills – and (2) Lack of financing. Most businesses fail within the first three years of start-up. (When I say most I mean over 90% fail) We have a tendency to overestimate revenue so divide your sales projections by half and run it by those numbers. You need to live and die by the numbers. Make business decisions – keep your emotions out of it. Always think worst-case scenario. That will help keep you grounded.

If I haven’t talked you out of getting into business for yourself after reading this article – then maybe – just maybe you have what it takes. Maybe you’ll make it to year five. I’ve been self-employed since 1998 and I’m still having fun. I wish you all the best.

Copyright (c) 2019. Brian Smith. Not to be reproduced without permission. To find out more about Brian and what he can do for you visit:

On Your Mark – Get Ready – Set – Now Go

2016 - 3It’s that time of year again when we look back on the year that was and direct our attention to the year ahead. Instead of making resolutions the way you’ve always done – try something different this year. Write down 3 action words that will help you focus on your goals. Every action you take this year should be a reflection of what you want to accomplish. If they aren’t – then don’t do it. Resolutions won’t work unless you do. Your life is a planned event. Put a plan together and then work your plan.

Once you decide what you want to accomplish, you need to develop the how. Last year I wanted to improve my golf swing so I took some golf lessons and managed to take 15 strokes off my average score. I wanted to spend more time with my family and friends so I took some vacation time – rare for me because I’m a workaholic. The last thing I wanted to accomplish in 2015 was to expand my circle of influence so I spent one hour a day developing and executing a social media strategy on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Google +. I accomplished all 3 in 2015 because I had a game plan and stuck to my plan.

My action words for 2016 are Health, Speaking and Finance. What 3 things would you like to accomplish in 2016? What 3 action words will help you stay focused and accomplish those 3 things that are most important to you? What 3 action words will give you the best return on your time investment? You only have 168 hours in the course of a week. No more or no less. Those who accomplish the things in life that are most important to them have learned to invest their time wisely. Spending your precious time on things that won’t get you closer to accomplishing your goals in 2016 is a total waste of your time. Any time is the right time to start a new beginning. On your mark – get ready – set – now go!!! – Make 2016 your best year yet.

Copyright (c) 2016. Brian Smith – Reformed Control Freak. Are you or someone you know looking for a keynote speaker who can entertain and inform on a variety of soft-skills topics? Visit